Stage Magic

Orange County Stage Magician - Stage Magic Show 2

Call or Text: (714) 318 – 7538


What To Expect

Stage Magic could either be an add-on or the main event. Your employees, clients, and guests will have the time of their lives! The full Stage Show is 45-60 minutes in duration. It’s highly engaging, fun, and thought-provoking. Richard makes his magic relatable to the audience by sharing personal stories and his own brand of comedy! With a degree in theatre and communications, Richard is able to customize his Stage Show to communicate a specific message of your choosing.


It’s an attention-getter! Add a 15-minute Stage Act to Strolling Magic services. It is the perfect way to gather everyone together right before an important moment at the event. Once Richard finishes his act, he will turn it over to the host or emcee.


It’s hard for some folks to get up on stage. Richard designed his Stage Magic Show with this in mind. No one wants to look foolish. The audience can participate in the stage magic without ever leaving their seats. No one has to come up if they don’t want to.


The Stage Magic Show lasts 45 minutes. It can be longer or shorter per the client’s request. The stage area should be approximately 10ft by 6ft. It does not need to be performed on a platform or raised stage as long as everyone in the audience can see. Richard provides everything he needs to perform, including a table and a portable sound system. He is happy to work with the house sound engineers if necessary. This show could play well for an audience of up to 500 guests depending on the seating arrangements.